Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Charge System

NOTE: The air-conditioning system must be evacuated and free of leaks. There must be sufficient refrigerant in the filling cylinder. Top up if necessary.

1. All valves on the service unit must be closed.

2. A pressure of approx. 7 bar is required to fill the system. If the pressure is lower, the pressure can be increased by cleaning the refrigerant. If the pressure is higher than 10 bar (end of the weight scale), the pressure in the filling cylinder can be lowered by opening the shut-off valve 22.

NOTE: The pressure increases by approx.1.5 bar in 10 minutes.

3. In accordance with the value read off on the pressure gauge 21, adjust the rotating scale of the filling cylinder so that the value specified at the top edge of the scale is positioned over the sight glass.

NOTE: It must be noted that the rotating scale is designed for the use of different refrigerants. The refrigerant designations are specified at the bottom scale edge. Only the scales for R-12 are applicable for automobile air-conditioning systems.

4. Set the required refrigerant quantity on the filling cylinder with the rubber ring (difference to refrigerant level in filling cylinder).
5. Open the shut-off valves for high pressure (5) and the refrigerant outlet (11).
6. Observe the fluid level indication in the sight glass of the filling cylinder. When the filling level has reached the setting ring, close shutoff valves 11 and 5.
7. Check the cooling capability per temperature/pressure charts.
8. Disconnect filling hoses at compressor.
9. Screw protective caps onto the valves.