Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Ignition Lock: Service and Repair

Removing and installing steering/ignition lock


1. Disconnect battery.
2. Remove radio, heater control unit, left-hand air vent and knee guard.
3. Remove steering wheel. Observe safety precautions for vehicles fitted with airbag. For removal and fitting of airbag steering wheel, refer to Steering

4. On vehicles with keylock, remove bowden cable from ignition lock.
Prior to removal, turn ignition key to position II" (Ignition on).
Then unscrew bowden cable from steering/ignition lock (arrow).

Note: The steering/ignition lock must at all times be set to position "II". If it is set to any other position, the steering/ignition lock and the keylock bowden cable will be damaged.

5. Unscrew escutcheon. Drill out both 6 mm shear bolts and the 8 mm shear bolt that holds the steering/ignition lock to the steering outer tube.

Note: To drill out 8 mm shear bolt, proceed as follows:
Punch bolt off-center (steering wheel side) across cutout for steering shaft harness in bottom of instrument panel. Pre-drill with a 4 mm dia. drill bit (mm. length 120 mm) across the above aperture. Finish by drilling shear bolt from threaded bushing (pressed-in bushing) with 7-8 mm dia. drill bit (longer than 120 mm).

6. Pull connector off ignition/starter switch and buzzer contact. Pull out steering/ignition lock.

Replacing the threaded bushing

A damaged threaded bushing may be replaced as follows:
Push out threaded bushing with a suitable drift (A).
Pull in new threaded bushing with the aid of suitable washers and a corresponding spacer sleeve (B).
When pulling the bushing in, remember that the threaded bushing protrudes from the steering outer tube. (Inner dia. of washer is larger than outer dia. of bushing). Center washer correctly before pulling bushing in.


1. Place steering/ignition lock into vehicle with lock pin disengaged (lock position "II").
2. Turn shear bolts into place but do not shear off yet. Fit steering wheel.
3. Fit connector of ignition/starter switch and buzzer contact.
4. On keylock vehicles, fit bowden cable with steering/ignition lock set to position "II". Then set selctor lever to "P" and turn ignition lock to "0" afterwards.

Note: If the steering/ignition lock cannot be turned to "0", the bowden cable must be readjusted.

5. Check operation of steering/ignition lock (operation of lock pin) and operation of keylock. Shear off bolts only if this check is o.k.