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Hood: Adjustments

WM 552215 Adjusting front lid

Technical values

Adjusting lid

1. Check adjustment.=> Test and adjustment value: 3.5 mm+/-0.8 mm => Test and adjustment value: 4 mm+1 mm => Test and adjustment value: 1 mm => Test and adjustment value: 3.5 mm+/-0.8 mm

Adjusting lid in X and Y direction
2. Undo fastening nuts on front lid.
2.1. Undo fastening nuts -2- on both sides on front cover -1-.

Adjusting lid in Z direction
3. Remove cowl panel cover -> 664419 Removing and installing cowl panel cover - section on "Removing" Service and Repair.
4. Undo fastening screws on front lid hinge.
4.1. Undo fastening screws -4- on both front lid hinges -3-.

5. Adjust front lid.
5.1. By moving the front lid -1- at the hinges -3- , adjust the contours according to the wings, main headlights and front spoiler.
5.2. Tighten fastening nuts -2- and fastening screws -4- to specified tightening torque=> Tightening torque: 15 ftlb.+/-2 ftlb. => Tightening torque : 15 ftlb.+/-2 ftlb..

6. Fit cowl panel cover -> 664419 Removing and installing cowl panel cover - section on "Installing" Service and Repair.