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The PCM has the ability to set a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) and store failure record information when the cruise control On/Off switch is cycled 3 times within a 3 second period. The intended purpose of this DTC is to allow the customer to capture failure record information during a driveability condition that may be difficult to duplicate during a test drive. The technician can use this information to attempt to simulate the engine operating conditions the vehicle was under at the time the driveability condition occurred. This feature is on cruise control vehicles only.

DTC P1624 will set if the cruise control On/Off switch is cycled 3 times within a 3 second period when the ignition is On.

DTC P1624 is a type D DTC.

This DTC is used to store a snapshot of data which can be read on Scan tool under DTC P1624 Failure Record. This information may be used to duplicate a customer's concern.