Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Headlamp Replacement

Headlamp Replacement

Removal Procedure

1. Open the hood.

Important: Hold the headlamp to prevent damage to the headlamp or fascia.

2. Pull up on the headlamp retaining pins. Remove the pins.

Caution: Refer to Halogen Bulb Caution.

3. Position the headlamp assembly away from the vehicle to access the electrical connectors.
4. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the headlamp bulb/socket and the park/turn bulb, if necessary.
5. Remove the headlamp from the vehicle.

6. Remove the headlamp bulb retaining nut by rotating the nut counterclockwise.
7. Remove the headlamp bulb from the housing.

Installation Procedure

1. Install the headlamp bulb into the housing.
2. Install the headlamp bulb retaining nut by rotating the nut clockwise.

3. Position the headlamp to the vehicle.
4. Connect the headlamp bulb and the park/turn bulb electrical connectors.

Important: Ensure that the retaining pins are properly seated in the headlamp bracket.

5. Install the headlamp retaining pins by pushing the pins downward.
6. Close the hood.