Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Repair and Diagnosis: Testing and Inspection


System Name
Sliding Roof System


NOTE: The sliding roof drive gear (motor) must be reset pulse sensor's location must be set) when one of the following occurs: 1) the battery cable has been disconnected, 2) the drive gear connector is connected/disconnected, or 3) the sliding roof is replaced or installed/removed. If the drive gear is not reset, the AUTO function will not operate.

a. The sliding roof AUTO operation and the jam protection function may not operate normally if the battery cable is disconnected/reconnected, or the battery is replaced or recharged. Initialize the sliding roof system using the method below.
1. Turn the ignition switch ON.
2. Fully open the sliding roof.
3. Press and hold the sliding roof motor switch on the SLIDE/OPEN side for 2 seconds or more. The sliding roof control ECU built into the drive gear will memorize the position of the sliding roof. Initialization is now complete.

HINT: If the battery cable is disconnected, the sliding roof control ECU may not detect the position of the roof glass. If the sliding roof AUTO operation is still disabled even after the drive gear has been initialized, the Hall IC may be malfunctioning. The Hall IC is built into the drive gear and detects the roof glass position. If the result is not as specified, replace the drive gear assembly (sliding roof control ECU).