Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.




1. INSPECT ENGINE COOLANT Testing and Inspection
2. INSPECT ENGINE OIL Testing and Inspection

(a) Remove the air cleaner cap.
(b) Remove the air filter element.
(c) Visually check that the air filter is not excessively damaged or oily.
If necessary, replace the air filter.
5. INSPECT SPARK PLUG Testing and Inspection

6. INSPECT FAN AND GENERATOR V BELT Testing and Inspection

- Turn all the electrical systems and the A/C OFF.
- When checking the ignition timing, shift the transmission to the neutral position.

(a) Warm up and stop the engine.
(b) When using intelligent tester or Techstream:
(1) Connect the intelligent tester or Techstream to the DLC3.
(2) Turn the ignition switch to ON.
(3) Turn the tester ON.
(4) Select the following menu items:
1. Intelligent tester - Select: DIAGNOSIS / ENHANCED OBD II / DATA LIST / IGN ADVANCE
2. Techstream - Select: Power Train / Engine and ECT / Data List / IGN Advance
(5) Start the engine.
(6) According to the display on tester, read the Data List.
Standard ignition timing:
BTDC 0 to 15° at idle
(7) Check that the ignition timing advances immediately when the engine speed is increased.
(8) Turn the ignition switch to OFF.
(9) Disconnect the intelligent tester or Techstream from the DLC3.
(c) When not using intelligent tester and Techstream:
(1) Remove the No. 1 engine cover Removal.

(2) Open the ignition cover located to the right of the No. 4 ignition coil.
(3) Pull the wire harness out from the IG cover.
(4) Connect a timing light to the wire harness.
NOTE: Use a timing light that detects the first signal.

(5) Using SST, connect terminals 13 (TC) and 4 (CG) of the DLC3.
SST: 09843-18040
(6) Allow the engine to idle and check the ignition timing.
Standard ignition timing:
BTDC 8 to 12°at idle
HINT: Run the engine at 1000 to 1300 rpm for 5 seconds, then check that the engine speed returns to the idling speed.
(7) Remove SST from the DLC3.
(8) Allow the engine to idle and check the ignition timing.
Standard ignition timing:
BTDC 5 to 15°
(9) Check that the ignition timing advances immediately when the engine speed is increased.
(10) Turn the ignition switch OFF.
(11) Remove the timing light.
(12) Close the IG cover.
(13) Install the No. 1 engine cover Installation.
- Turn all the electrical systems and the A/C OFF.
- When checking the ignition timing, shift the transmission to the P or neutral position.

(a) When using intelligent tester or Techstream:
(1) Warm up the engine.
(2) Turn the ignition switch to OFF.
(3) Connect the intelligent tester or Techstream to the DLC3.
(4) Turn the ignition switch to ON.
(5) Turn the tester ON.
(6) Select the following menu items:
1. Intelligent tester - Select: DIAGNOSIS / ENHANCED OBD II / DATA LIST / ENGINE SPD
2. Techstream - Select: Power Train / Engine and ECT / Data List / Engine Speed
(7) Start the engine.
(8) According to the display on tester, read the Data List.
Standard idle speed:
600 to 700 rpm
(9) Turn the ignition switch to OFF.
(10) Disconnect the tester from the DLC3.
(b) When not using intelligent tester and Techstream:
(1) Turn OFF all the accessories and air conditioning.
(2) Move the shift lever to P or neutral.

(3) Connect SST to 9 (TAC) of the DLC3 terminal, and then connect a tachometer to SST.
SST: 09843-18030
(4) Warm up the engine.
(5) Check the idle speed while the radiator-cooling fan is not rotating.
Standard idle speed:
600 to 700 rpm
(6) Turn the ignition switch OFF.
(7) Remove the tachometer and disconnect SST from the DLC3.
(a) Warm up and then stop the engine.
(b) Remove the 4 ignition coils and spark plugs Removal.
(c) Disconnect the 4 fuel injector connectors.

(d) Set SST and a compression gauge.
SST: 09992-00500
(e) Insert the compression gauge into the spark plug hole.
(f) While cranking the engine, measure the compression pressure.
Standard compression pressure:
1300 kPa (13.3 kgf/cm2, 189 psi)
Minimum compression pressure:
1000 kPa (10.0 kgf/cm2, 145 psi)
Standard difference between each cylinder:
100 kPa (1.0 kgf/cm2, 15 psi)
- Always use a fully charged battery to obtain an engine speed of 250 rpm or more.
- Check the other cylinders' compression pressures in the same way.
- This measurement must be done as quickly as possible.
If the cylinder compression is low, pour a small amount of engine oil into the cylinder through the spark plug hole and inspect again.
- If adding oil increases the compression, the piston rings and/or cylinder bore may be worn or damaged.
- If pressure stays low, a valve may be stuck or seated improperly, or there may be leakage in the gasket.

(g) Connect the 4 fuel injector connectors.
(h) Install the 4 spark plugs and ignition coils. Installation

HINT: The ECM properly controls the CO/HC concentration in the emission gas.

(a) Start and warm up the engine.
(b) Run the engine at 2500 rpm for approximately 180 seconds.
(c) Insert the CO/HC meter testing probe at least 40 cm (1.3 ft.) into the tailpipe while idling.
(d) Inspect the CO/HC concentration while idling and/or at 2500 rpm.
If the CO/HC concentration is not as specified, perform troubleshooting.
HINT: See the table below for possible causes, and then inspect and repair the applicable causes if necessary.