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Keyless Entry Transmitter: Testing and Inspection




- A maximum of four keyless transmitter can be registered for each individual vehicle.
- When replacing or adding the keyless transmitter, new registration of transmitter is necessary.

1. Connect the Subaru Select Monitor to the vehicle.
2. Turn the ignition switch to ON.
3. From the <> of the Subaru Select Monitor, select the {2. Each System Check} -> {7. Integ. unit mode} -> {8. Keyless ID registration}.
4. Input the 8-digit ID number attached to the plastic bag of the keyless transmitter or inside the transmitter, from left to right, then press the [Enter] key.

NOTE: Press the [UP Arrow] key on the Subaru Select Monitor to increase the number, and the [DOWN Arrow] key to decrease. Press the [<] key to move to the digit in the left, and [>] to the right

5. The ID number you have entered will be shown. Make sure that the ID number shown is the same as that of plastic bag or inside of transmitter.
6. Press the [OK] key if the ID number is correct. If the ID number is incorrect, select [NO] to return to the step 3) and reenter the ID number.
7. <> is displayed and registration starts.
8. <> will be displayed when the registration process is done.
9. To exit, select <> to return to {8. Keyless ID registration}. If there are additional keyless transmitters to be registered, select <> to return to the step 4).

- If the registration fails, <> will be displayed. Select the [OK] key to return to the {8. Keyless ID registration}. And retry from the step 3).
- <> is shown on the Subaru Select Monitor when fourth keyless transmitter has been registered. Select the [NO] key to return to {8. Keyless ID registration}.