Fuel Injectors
Fuel Injectors
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Tool Set (T10133)
• The puller (T10133/2) was changed. It is now called the puller (T10133/2A). If the new tool is not available, the old one can be modified.
Modifying Puller (T10133/2)
Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required
• Round file approximately 6 mm
- File the semi-circle as shown in the illustration. The semi-circle allows the tool to slide farther onto the fuel injector, thus providing the tool with a larger contact surface.
- Mark the modified tool with an "A" at the end of the tool number.
Fuel Injector, Individual Parts
1. Combustion chamber seal (Teflon), replace. The seal must not be greased or treated with any other lubricants when installing.
2. Intermediate ring
3. Fuel injector
4. Support ring
5. O-ring (replace, lubricate lightly with clean engine oil when installing)
6. Support element (the fuel rail exerts force through the support element to hold the fuel injector tightly in the cylinder head)
- Remove the intake manifold with the fuel rail. Refer to => [ Intake Manifold with Fuel Rail ] Intake Manifold With Fuel Rail.
• Remove the fuel injector if they remain attached in the fuel rail.
- Cover the intake passages with a clean cloth.
- Remove the support element - A - downward and disconnect the connector - arrows - from the fuel injectors.
- Position the (T10133/2A) in the groove on the fuel injector.
- Install the (T10133/16), turn the bolt - 1 - and remove the fuel injector.
• Pay attention to the intermediate rings.
• The combustion chamber seal (Teflon seal) must always be replaced before installing the fuel injector. Refer to => [ Fuel Injector Teflon Seal ] Fuel Injector Teflon Seal.
• The Teflon seal of the fuel injector may not be oiled or greased.
• Possibly an opened intake valve hinders the cleaning. In this case, the engine must be turned further by hand using a wrench on the crankshaft.
- Thoroughly clean the bores for the fuel injectors in the cylinder head using (T10133/4).
- Replace the O-ring and fuel injector Teflon seal. Refer to => [ Fuel Injector Teflon Seal ] Fuel Injector Teflon Seal.
- Install the fuel injector with the intermediate ring - 2 - again.
- Use (T10133/2A) - 2 - to push the fuel injector all the way into the hole in the cylinder head.
- Make sure fuel injectors are positioned correctly in cylinder head.
- Install the intake manifold with the fuel rail. Refer to => [ Intake Manifold with Fuel Rail ] Intake Manifold With Fuel Rail.