Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Amplifier: Description and Operation

Sound System Amplifier

Before troubleshooting or servicing, the technicians must be familiar with the function and operation of the radio unit and radio navigation system.

For additional information, refer to => Owner's Manual.

When performing service work or fault finding, use => Vehicle Diagnosis, Testing and Information System (VAS 5051 ) or Vehicle Diagnosis and Service System (VAS 5052) in the function "Guided Fault Finding".

For wiring diagrams, refer to.

When the battery is reconnected, check any affected system or component (radio, clock, comfort electrical connection etc.) according to the repair information and/or the operating instructions.

The sound system amplifier serves to expand the sound of the radio unit or radio navigation system.

It can be obtained for the corresponding appropriate radio units and radio navigation systems as special equipment.

The amplifier is produced with 8-channel technology.

The activation of signal inputs to amplifier occurs via radio unit or radio navigation system speaker outputs.

Amplifier is installed under front left seat.

Remove and install amplifier, refer to => [ Sound System Amplifier ] Communication.