Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

P. Test Box, Signal Description


Area of use
The test box is designed to make it easier to take readings on the control module connector, primarily when the control module is connected and readings are being taken.
It is also safer to take readings with the test box as it is easier to see and access measuring points. This minimizes the risk of accidentally short circuiting or damaging connector terminals and wiring.

Note: Incorrect readings will be obtained if the Volvo ST and test box are connected at the same time.

MFI LH 2.4


Connecting And Disconnecting The Test Box

Note: To avoid damaging the control module it must be isolated when connecting and disconnecting the test box.

- Ignition off.
- Remove fuse 1 (or 31).

- Remove the panel under the right hand side of the dashboard and the panel in the right foot-well.
The control module is located in the right foot-well.

- Disconnect the connector from the control module. Connect the test box to the control module connector.
^ Continue with Checking the GND points P2.


Checking The GND Points
- Ignition off.
- Switch off anything taking power from the battery such as interior lighting and the radio.
With ohmmeter measure between:
#5 and the control module bracket.
#17 and the control module bracket.
#19 and the control module bracket.
The ohmmeter should read approx. 0 ohms in all cases.

If all readings are OK
^ Return to fault tracing where it was interrupted.

If any of the readings are incorrect
^ Check the GND point at the intake manifold and the wiring to this for breaks and contact resistance in accordance with NA2 and NA6. NA. Checking the Wiring
^ Check grounding between engine and chassis.

DI EZ 116 K


Connecting And Disconnecting The Test Box

Note: To avoid damaging the control module it must be isolated when connecting and disconnecting the test box.

- Ignition off.
- Remove fuse 1 (or 31).

- Remove the panel under the left-hand side of the dashboard.
The control module is located above the steering column.
- Disconnect the connector from the control module.

Connect the test box to the control module connector.
^ Continue with checking the GND points P4


Checking The GND Points
- Ignition off.
- Turn off any equipment taking current from the battery - interior lighting, radio etc.
Use an ohmmeter to take a reading between #20 and GND.
The ohmmeter should read approx. 0 ohms.

If this value is OK
^ Return to fault tracing

If the value is incorrect
^ Check the ground point on the intake manifold and its wiring for breaks and contact resistance in accordance with NA2 and NA6. NA. Checking the Wiring
^ Check the ground between the engine and chassis.