Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

No Alarm on Trunk Lid

(Step D1) Checking the trunk lid contact

- Ignition off.
- Open the trunk lid.
- Set the trunk light button to position "on".
The trunk light should come on.

- Close the locking mechanism by forcing in the latch with a screwdriver.
The trunk light should go out.
(The catch is returned to open by pressing in the trunk opening button).

- Close the tailgate
The light should go out.

If both readings are correct:
- Continue with step D3.

If the reading deviates:
- Check the tailgate contact (5-door) grounding for defects, e.g. corrosion, looseness or sticking.
- Investigate the trunk lighting.

(Step D2) Not Applicable.

(Step D3) Checking the signal lead

- Ignition off.

- Close the trunk.

- Remove the alarm control module (item C/F).

- Connect an ohmmeter between item RH and item 31 on the alarm relay base.
The ohmmeter should read infinity with the trunk lid closed.

If the reading is correct:
- Open the trunk lid and proceed with the next measurement.

If any reading deviates:
There is a short in the signal lead between the trunk light and the alarm relay base item RH.

- Open the trunk lid.

- Connect an ohmmeter between item RH and item 31.
The ohmmeter should read 0 ohms with the lid open.

If the reading is correct:
There is most likely a fault on the alarm control module.
- Proceed with fault tracing. Fault Tracing Alarm Wiring

It the reading deviates:
There is a break in the signal lead between the trunk light and the alarm relay base item RH.