Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Battery, Charging

Battery, charging

It is important that the battery voltage is normal (approximately 12 V) when testing the car system components. If necessary a battery charger can be connected during the test.
Connect the battery charger to the battery terminals. Charge the battery for approximately 10 hours at the recommended current - maximum 6 A.
Example: If the battery is marked 520 A, the recommended charge current is 0.01x520 = 5.2 A.
A higher than recommended charge current may damage the battery.

Note! Boost charging (with a high current or voltage above 16 V) will damage the battery and is prohibited.

Warning! Explosive oxyhydrogen accumulates when the battery charges. Smoking, welding, grinding or other activities involving sparks or naked flames are prohibited in the vicinity of a charging battery. Only charge the battery in a well ventilated area.