Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Parts Information

PartManufacturerOEM Part #PriceNotes
Clutch AssyAUD087323109619.00
Piston & GasketAUD010323121B117.00
AUD010323489B0.33Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
WasherAUD01032311710.20Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
AUD0103231194.40Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
AUD01032312719.80Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
Lock RingAUD010323135A0.00
AUD010323157E3.23Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
PipeAUD010323493G60.50Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
AUD010323497C32.00Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
DiscAUD087323141A20.28Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.
AUD010323139A20.50Contact Dealer for most current part and price information.