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Reading and Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Fig. 25 Engine Warning Light In Dash:

If the ignition has been switched OFF, the fault memory will be erased. To reproduce fault code and store it in memory, the vehicle must be restarted and driven on the road (or on a dynomometer) so that an engine speed greater than 3000 rpm, and a boost pressure greater than 1.2 bar (3 psi above atmospheric pressure) are achieved, so that all component operations are checked and stored in memory.
If the vehicle is in a NO-START condition, crank the engine for at least 5 seconds and leave ignition ON. This will store information on which components might be at fault.
The fault code information is displayed in error codes by the tachometer and fault indicator light, Fig. 25. To extract the fault codes:
1. Run engine until it reaches at least 50°C (125°F)
2. With engine at idle (or below 2000 rpm) close the full throttle switch by hand for approx. four seconds (idle switch must also be closed at the same time).
3. Tachometer should read 7000 rpm, and the fault light should come ON (indicates begining of fault code sequence).
4. Depress the brake pedal to activate fault memory.
Tachometer will indicate 1000 to 6000 rpm, and the engine warning light will be either ON or OFF. See "FAULT CODE INDEX" to determine fault.
5. Depress brake pedal to activate the next fault code.
6. If no faults are stored in memory, the tachometer will read 7000 rpm and the fault light will not light.
7. Once all codes have been displayed, the system will show an "end of fault code sequence" code:
7000 rpm and the fault light will not light, if car is equipped with a Hitachi control unit
The first code displayed will be repeated, if car is equipped with a Bosch control unit