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Antilock Brakes / Traction Control Systems: Service Precautions

- switch ignition OFF before connecting or disconnecting ABS control unit connector
- disconnect ABS control unit connector before using electrical welding equipment on the vehicle
- disconnect the battery connections before charging the battery or replacing the hydraulic modulator
- remove ABS control unit before drying paint repairs in an oven if temperatures will be above 85°C(185°F) for more than two hours
- do not use mini-spare tires on vehicles equipped with ABS. Use wheels and tires of matching size on ABS equipped vehicles
- do not drive the vehicle with the anti-lock brake tester connected

General repair notes:
The complete testing procedure using the ABS 2-LED Tester must be done after any repairs are made to the following:
- hydraulic modulator
- ABS control unit
- wheel speed sensors
- ABS wiring harness
It is also necessary to perform the test procedure if the brake lines or brake pressure regulators are replaced because of accident damage.

After repairs to the brake system that do not affect the anti-lock system components, do the following operational test of the ABS:
- switch ignition ON
- ABS indicator light lights
- drive vehicle with differential locks NOT engaged at speed over 4 mph (6 km/h)
- ABS indicator light must not light

Do this test after repairing/replacing the following components:
- brake pads and/or brake discs
- brake hoses
- brake servo or master cylinder
- brake cables and hand brake components

Note: During a final test drive, make sure that at least one controlled braking sequence is performed with the ABS ON.