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Delivery Rate, Checking

Delivery rate, checking

- remove pressure line from hydraulic pump (arrow)

- connect hose of pressure limiter VW 1354 to pump, using existing hollow bolt
- remove cap from fluid reservoir

- put end of pressure limiter hose into reservoir
- start engine, let idle until line is bled (no bubbles)
- turn ignition OFF

- hold hose into measuring jar
- start engine and let idle
- check delivery rate
- must be at least 0.3 liters/min. (0.3 US qt/min)
- if specification not reached, replace hydraulic pump
- if delivery rate is OK, but operating pressure is still not reached, replace pressure accumulator

- with engine shut off, press brake pedal about 20 times to reduce pressure in system
- remove pressure gauge and pressure limiter
- install brake warning light switch and reconnect wire connectors
- attach pressure line to hydraulic pump
- check all connections for leaks