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Differential Carrier R&R

1. Scribe propeller shaft and differential flange for alignment during reassembly.
2. Remove propeller shaft to differential flange attaching bolts, then disconnect propeller shaft and tie out of way with wire.
3. Remove right and left axle shaft to differential flange attaching bolts, then disconnect axle shafts and tie out of way with wire.
4. Remove differential lock servo and bracket, then disconnect electrical connector for differential lock indicator switch.
5. Remove nut from axle rear mounting bushing, then nut from right side front axle mount and loosen left side front nut.
6. Install transmission jack VW 1383 or equivalent, then lift axle slightly.
7. Remove rubber bonded bushing from right side front mount, then the nut from left side front mount.
8. Push axle forward, then lower carefully.
9. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Ensure axle is installed without stress.
b. Propeller shaft and differential flanges must be installed so that scribe marks are aligned.
c. Adjust propeller shaft, if necessary, refer to Transmission and Drivetrain/Drive/Propeller Shafts, Bearings and Joints/Drive/Propeller Shaft/Adjustments.
d. Tighten nuts and bolts to specifications.