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With Manufacturer Scan Tool

Note: Either the VAG1552 mobile scan tool or the VAS5051 tester can be used instead of the VAG1551 Scan Tool (ST). The VAG1552 is not capable of printing out information, however.

- Observe the test requirements of each system.

- Open the vent-area ashtray.
- Remove cover for Data Link Connector (DLC).

- Connect scan tool to Data Link Connector (DLC) with the ignition off using VAG1551/3 adapter cable.

Indicated on display:
1) Appear alternately on display

Notes: If nothing is indicated on display, check diagnostic connection.

- The PRINT button is used for switching on the printer. Indicator lamp in the button comes on when printer is switched on.
- Depending on the program, additional operating information can be printed out by pressing the HELP button of the VAG1551 scan tool.
- Switch ignition on.
- Switch printer on by pressing PRINT button on scan tool.
- Press button -1- to select "Rapid data transfer" operating mode 1.

Indicated on display:

Note: The address word selects the control module that you wish to test using the scan tool.

Note: For example: Pressing buttons -O- and -3- selects the "Brake Electronics" address word 03.

Indicated on display:
- Press -Q- button to confirm input.
Rapid data transfer Scan tool sends address word 03
Indicated on display after entering address word 03:

Note: If a malfunction occurs when establishing communication between the VAG1551 scan tool and the control module, refer to the four displays and instructions that follow.

- Press the "HELP" button to print a list of possible causes of the malfunction.
- Test cable connections for data link connector wire -K-.

- Test power supply and Ground (GND) connections for ABS control module (w/EDL) -J 104-.

If displayed:
- Repair the malfunction.
- After repairing the malfunction, once again enter"Brake Electronics" address word 03 and press -Q- button confirm.

If the data link between the scan tool and the control module is established and works properly, the display will now show the control module identification (X), the system identification (Y),the hardware and software versions (Z), and the dealership number (W).

- The (arrow) button is used for advancing through the program sequence.
- The control module index can only be changed by replacing the control module.

Refer to Parts Supplier
- If the control module identification number does not appear in the display, check the diagnostic wiring.
- Press (arrow) button.

Indicated on display: