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Engine Oil: Description and Operation

Engine oil

Engine oil capacity ("/filter): 5.7 Liters (6.0 quarts).
The engine is factory-filled with a high quality multi-grade oil that can be used as an all season oil, except in extremely cold climates.

Viscosity classes and oil specifications
Select the viscosity according to the chart shown. The oil does not need to be changed if the outside temperature only briefly exceeds the specified ranges.
The specifications stated in this information must be indicated on the container either individually or in combination with other specifications.
A - Multi-grade oil, specification VW 500 00 1)
B - Multi-grade oil, specification VW 501 01 1)
Multi-grade oil, specification API-S For -SG- 2)

1) This VW specification must have a date of 10/91 or later.
2) These oils may only be used in exceptional cases if no approved engine oil is available.

Mixing oils when topping up is permissible.