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Multimedia System Control Module, Monitors, DVD Wire

Rear Seat Entertainment System, Plus Blaupunkt, from MY 07

Multimedia System Control Module, Monitors, DVD Wire

1 Green 26-Pin Connector (T26e) on the Multimedia System Control Module (J650)

2 Black 12-Pin Connector (T12u) to the Rear DVD Changer (R162)

3 Black 12-Pin Connector (T1ac) to the Multimedia Display Unit 1 (Y22)

4 Black 12-Pin Connector (T1ad) to the Multimedia Display Unit 2 (Y23)

Unlisted connector terminals are not used.

1 - Green 26-Pin Connector (T26e)

1. Terminal 30 to the rear DVD changer (R162), red

2. Terminal 30 switched to the rear DVD changer, orange

3. IR DATA to the rear DVD changer, purple

4. Ground shielding (Video) to the rear DVD changer, black

5. Video from rear DVD changer, white

6. IR DATA from multimedia display unit 1 (Y22), brown

7. Ground shielding (Video) to the multimedia display unit 1, black

8. Video wire to the multimedia display unit 1, white

9. TxD from the multimedia display unit 2 (Y23), blue

10. IR DATA from multimedia display unit 2, brown

11. Ground shielding (Video) to the multimedia display unit 2, black

12. Video wire to the multimedia display unit 2, white

13. RxD to the multimedia display unit 2, yellow

14. Terminal 31/whole screen to the rear DVD changer, black

15. TSENS to the rear DVD changer, green

16. Ground shielding (audio) to the rear DVD changer, black

17. Right audio wire from rear DVD changer, white

18. Left audio wire from rear DVD changer, white

19. Terminal 31 to the multimedia display unit 2, black

20. RxD to the multimedia display unit 1, yellow

21. TxD from the multimedia display unit 1, blue

22. Terminal 31 to the multimedia display unit 1, black

23. Not used

24. Not used

25. Terminal 30 to the multimedia display unit 2, red

26. Terminal 30 to the multimedia display unit 1, red

2 - Black 12-Pin Connector (T12u)

1. Terminal 30 from the multimedia system control module (J650), red

2. IR DATA from the multimedia system control module, purple

3. Right audio wire from rear DVD changer (R162), white

4. Left audio wire from rear DVD changer, white

5. Video wire from rear DVD changer, white

6. Not used

7. Terminal 31 from the multimedia system control module, black

8. Terminal 30 from the multimedia system control module, orange

9. TSENS from multimedia system control module, green

10. Ground shielding (audio), black

11. Ground shielding (video), black

12. Common shielding, black

3 - Black 12-Pin Connector (T12ac)

1. Terminal 30 from the multimedia system control module (J650), red

2. TxD from the multimedia display unit 1 (Y22), blue

3. IR DATA from multimedia display unit 1, brown

4. Not used

5. Ground shielding (video), black

6. Not used

7. Terminal 31 from the multimedia system control module, black

8. RxD from multimedia system control module, yellow

9. Not used

10. Not used

11. Video wire to the multimedia system control module, white

4 - Black 12-Pin Connector (T12ad)

1. Terminal 30 from the multimedia system control module (J650), red

2. TxD from the multimedia display unit 2 (Y23), blue

3. IR DATA from multimedia display unit 2, brown

4. Not used

5. Ground shielding (video), black

6. Not used

7. Terminal 31 from the multimedia system control module, black

8. RxD from multimedia system control module, yellow

9. Not used

10. Not used

11. Video wire to the multimedia system control module, white