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Door Adjustment, Checking with Adjusting Template T40038/2

Door Adjustment, Checking with Adjusting Template T40038/2

- Use the door adjustment template (T40) 038/2 as described in the following for testing (e.g. for wind noises) and for adjusting door.

- For testing contact pressure of sealing lips on roof trim molding, use a standard bank card - 1 - or similar means.

- For a correct adjustment, adjusting template - 3 - must make contact on roof trim molding -2- and on roof - 1 - - arrow -.

Testing sealing lip/roof trim molding contact

- Using a standard bank card, drive off contact area of sealing lip to roof trim molding with light pressure.

- When doing this, card must not sink in between sealing lip - 1 - and roof trim molding - 2 -.

Door adjustment at sides (inclination adjustment)

- Template has points of different lengths at arrows - a - and - b -.

- These allow the side adjustment of the doors to be checked.

- On the side with the "max" marking, check whether window frame is seated too far outside.

- On the side with the "min" marking, check whether window frame is seated too far inside.

- Position template at dimension - a - = 200mm and with cut-out - arrow - facing door window

- Make sure that points - 1 - and - 3 - make contact.

- At point - 2 - of template, there must be a gap.

- In this position (max), doors are adjusted to farthest outward point within tolerance range.

- If there is no gap at point - 2 -, or there is a gap at point - 1 -, the window frame is set too far outward and must be adjusted.

- The side with arrow - b - (min marking) is used to check whether the window frame is located too far inward in relation to the body.

- Position template at dimension - a - = 200mm and with cut-out - arrow - turned away from door window as depicted in magnified areas of illustration.

- Make sure that points - 2 - and - 3 - make contact on door window.

- At point - 1 - of template, there must be a gap.

- In this position (min), doors are adjusted to farthest inward point within tolerance range.

- If point - 1 - has no gap, or if template cannot be brought into contact at point - 2 -, window frame is set too far inward and must be adjusted.

Height adjustment at window frame

- If height of window frame must be adjusted, then the collared shoulder bolts - 1 - must be replaced with a standard bolt.

- Now, the window frame height can be adjusted.

- Gaskets - 2 - and - 3 - slid into window frame.

- Position adjusting template as shown on roof, or on upper edge of rain channel.

- Lower edge of window frame must be located within area - a - of template groove for a correct adjustment.

- Check/adjust inclination of window frame.

Front door adjustment

- Door position can be assessed using lower side of adjusting template (T40038/3) (illustration shows other template).

- No door recess in relation to side panel - 2 - is permitted.

- Recess of front door - 1 - to side panel - 2 - is not permitted (wind noise).

- Projection (maximum 0.8mm) of front door to side panel must be in range of template cut-out - arrow -.