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Seat Pan Cushion and Upholstery, Separating From Seat Pan

Individual Power Rear Seat Cushion and Upholstery

Seat Pan Cushion and Upholstery, Separating from Seat Pan

1 Awl (V.A.G 1636A)

2 Retainer

3 Plastic clips

4 Connector

5 Upholstery clips (Qty. 6)

6 Connector

7 Peripheral fastening strips

8 Cover and upholstery


- Remove seat pan => [ Seat Pan ] Individual Power Rear Seats.

- Cut upholstery clips - 5 - (Qty. 6).

- Use a screwdriver to pry out clamping strips - 7 - all around.

- Disconnect connectors - 4 - and - 6 -.

- Remove cover and upholstery - 8 -.


- Install cover and upholstery - 8 - in reverse order of removal.

- Use Upholstery Clip Pliers (V.A.G 1634) to install the new upholstery clips - 5 -.