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Front Seats (Memory Seat, Electric Seat)

Airbag Adapter VAS 6229, Connecting

NOTE: Technician must electrostatically discharge him/herself before disconnecting ignition and Ground (GND) wires (briefly touch closing wedge for door or body)

CAUTION: Leave airbag adapter VAS 6229 connected to seat until seat has been re-installed.

1 - Airbag connector (yellow) on seat
2 - Power supply connector/seat connector (brown)
3 - Power supply connector/airbag adapter (brown)
4 - Airbag adapter VAS 6229 connector (yellow)
- Connect airbag connector - 1 - and Airbag adapter VAS 6229 connector - 4 -.
- Attach power supply connector/ Airbag adapter VAS 6229 - 3 - to power supply connector/seat connector - 2 -.