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Vapor pressure table for refrigerant R134a

The vapor pressure table for every refrigerant is published in literature for refrigeration system engineers. This table makes it possible to determine the vapor pressure acting on the column of liquid in a vessel if the temperature of the vessel is known.

As there is a characteristic vapor pressure table for every refrigerant, refrigerant can be identified by measuring pressure and temperature.

NOTE: At absolute pressure, 0 bar corresponds to an absolute vacuum. Normal atmospheric pressure corresponds to 1 bar absolute. On the scales of most pressure gauges, 0 bar corresponds to an absolute pressure of 1 bar (can be seen from -1 bar mark below 0).

Temperature in degrees C Pressure in bar R134a
-45 -0.61
-40 -0.49
-35 -0.34
-30 -0.16
-25 0.06
-20 0.32
-15 0.63
-10 1.00
-5 1.43
0 1.92
5 2.49
10 3.13
15 3.90
20 4.70
25 5.63
30 6.70
35 7.83
40 9.10
45 10.54
50 12.11
55 13.83
60 15.72
65 17.79
70 20.05
75 22.52
80 25.21
85 28.14
90 31.34