Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Lead-Acid Battery Warnings and Safety Measures

Safety Procedures And Precautions

Prior to starting work, employees are to be informed of possible hazards involved with handling batteries.

Warnings and safety measures for lead-acid batteries:

1. Read and follow all instructions on battery in Owner's Manual.
2. Battery acid can cause severe burns! Electrolyte is highly corrosive; protective gloves and eye protection are therefore always to be worn.
3. Keep open flames and sparks away and DO NOT smoke near batteries
4. Wear eye protection.
5. Keep electrolyte and batteries out of reach of children.
6. Scrapping: Observe disposal regulations for batteries and sulfuric acid. Always use specified containers for disposal at authorized sites.
7. Never dispose of batteries in household waste. Batteries contain lead (Pb), a toxic metal.
8. Danger of explosion. Battery charging produces a highly explosive gas mixture.


- Can cause severe injury to eyes, skin and mucous membranes.
- Inhalation can damage respiratory system.
- Swallowing is harmful to digestive system.
- First Aid: Rinse eyes and immediately consult first aid station or inform doctor.
- Never tilt battery.Electrolyte may leak out of vents.
- Soak up spilled electrolyte with appropriate absorbent material and neutralize remaining electrolyte with commercial acid neutralizer (or water and baking soda).
- Never allow electrolyte to come into contact with bare hands.
- Avoid contact with skin.
- Never touch mouth, nose or eyes with soiled hands.
- Immediately remove electrolyte-contaminated clothing and place in water.
- Do not eat, drink or store food in work areas.
- Wash thoroughly before breaks and on completion of work.

Smoking, open flames, fires and sparks:
- Smoking, open flames and fires are prohibited while working and flying sparks must be avoided.
- Avoid short circuits and sparks when handling cables and electrical equipment.

Eye protection and protective clothing:
- Wear safety goggles and an acid-resistant apron or alternatively electrolyte-proof overalls.
- Wear electrolyte-proof gloves.

Danger of explosion:
- Used batteries (lengthy period of use over 6 months) must be treated with an anti-static spray (currently "Neostatic Antistatikum HB 155") prior to handling.
- Sealing plugs must be closed when charging.
- Charging of batteries removed from vehicle is only permitted in vented cubicles with extraction system.
- After charging, battery must be left in charging area with extraction system for an appropriate length of time.
- Batteries are always to be transported in conductive metal containers.
- Electrostatically chargeable materials are not to be used for securing purposes.