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Power Steering Fluid Level Checking

Power Steering Fluid Level Checking

- Do not run the engine and turn the front wheels to the straight ahead position.

Checking Fluid Cold

- Remove the cap.

- Wipe the dipstick off with a clean cloth.

- Install the cap hand tight and remove it again.

The cap must be fully screwed on in order to obtain an accurate fluid level reading.

- Check fluid level: Level must be around the "MIN" mark (up to 2 mm above or below the mark).

Checking Fluid at Operating Temperature (from Approximately 50° C (122° F))

- Check the fluid level: Level must be between the "MIN" and "MAX" marks.

Fluid must be removed if the level is above the specified range.

If the fluid level is below the aforementioned area, then the steering system must be checked for leaks. It is not sufficient to merely top off the fluid.

Do not reuse drained fluid.