Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Shim, Positioning

Drive Pinion and Ring Gear, Adjusting

General Information

Careful adjustment of the drive pinion and ring gear is important for the service life and smooth running of the final drive. For this reason, the drive pinion and ring gear are matched together during manufacture, and checked to ensure a good mesh pattern and quiet running in both directions of rotation. The position of quietest running is found by moving the drive pinion in an axial direction and at the same time lifting the ring gear out of the zero-play mesh position by the amount necessary to maintain the backlash within the specified tolerance.

The object of this adjustment is to reproduce the setting for the quietest possible running as obtained on the test machine in production.

The deviation (or tolerance) "r", which is related to the master gauge "Ro" is measured for the final drive sets supplied as replacement parts and marked on the outer circumference of the ring gear. The final drive set (drive pinion and ring gear) may only be replaced together as a matched pair.

Observe the general repair instructions for tapered roller bearings and shims.

Maximum care and cleanliness are essential for achieving good results when performing repairs and taking measurements.

Shim, Positioning

Adjustment overview when replacing individual components of final drive => [ Adjustment Overview ]. Adjustment Overview

S1 - Adjustment shim for ring gear in cover for final drive

S2 - Adjustment shim for ring gear in final drive housing

S3 - Adjustment shim for drive pinion in final drive housing