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Seat Control Element, Basic Setting

General Information

The new seat adjustment with memory generation features On Board Diagnostic (OBD) capability. The control module for seat adjustment with memory is equipped with a DTC Memory.

Malfunctions occurring in monitored components/wiring are stored in DTC memory together with an indication of the type of malfunction.

If any control elements are replaced they must be adapted and a basic setting must be initiated => [ Seat Control Element, Basic Setting ].

On Board Diagnostic (OBD), initiating program

Test requirements:

Voltage supply and fuses for appropriate systems OK.

Connecting scan tool (VAS5051) => [ VAS 5051, Connecting ] VAS 5051, Connecting

Switch ignition on.

If no display appears, use wiring diagram to check power supply for (VAS5051)

Additional operating instructions can be called up by pressing the Scan Tool HELP button.

The next step in the program sequence can be selected by pressing the -> button.

Incorrect entries can be terminated by pressing the C button..

- Switch on printer by pressing Print button (indicator lamp in button lights up).

- Press button 1 for "Rapid data transfer".

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Enter address word XX

Seat Control Element, Basic Setting

Basic setting must be performed if seat components are replaced.

Test Prerequisite

Voltage supply and fuses for the appropriate system OK.

Connect Scan Tool (VAS50511) (ST) => [ VAS 5051, Connecting ] VAS 5051, Connecting.


- Move backrest as far forward as possible.

- Check the existing value in Measuring Value Block 002, Read Measuring Value Block => [ Function 08 - Read Measured Value Block ].

Indicated on display (example values):

Read measured value block 2 ->
not operated 32767 forward 34231

Display zone 4 will show current value (in example 34231).

- Note this value.

- Move backrest back toward its normal seating position until the setting is 1082 units less than the original value (in example: 34231 minus 1082 = 33149).

- Start basic setting.

Implementing Function, 04 - Basic Setting

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Press buttons 0 and 4.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer Q
04 - Basic setting

- Confirm entry with Q button.

Indicated on display:

Basic setting
Enter display group number XXX

- Press buttons 0, 0 and 1.

Indicated on display:

Basic setting Q
Enter display group number 001

- Confirm entry with Q button.

Indicated on display:

System in basic setting 1
Basic value learned

- Basic setting complete.

- Press the -> button.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Check display zone 4 in measured value block 002. The display should show the numerical value for the central position (i.e. 32767).

- Check the basic setting as follows:

- Move the backrest as far back as possible.

- Press the "memory" button and one of the personalized buttons (e.g. memory location 1).

- With the drivers door open, press the selected personalized button again (e.g.: 1). The backrest will move back automatically to the rear-most position.

A gap will always be left between the backrest and the rear seat to ensure that the rear passenger has enough leg room.

Deactivating Remote Control Key Memory Function

In basic setting 004, all (simultaneously) memory functions for all 4 remote control key are erased.

Test requirements:

Voltage supply and fuses for the appropriate system OK.

Connect Scan Tool (VAS5051) (ST) => [ VAS 5051, Connecting ] VAS 5051, Connecting.


Indicated on display:

Basic setting
Enter display group number XXX

- Press buttons 0, 0 and 4.

Indicated on display:

Basic setting Q
Enter display group number 004

- Confirm entry with Q button.

Indicated on display:

System in basic setting 4
Basic value learned

- Basic setting is complete.

- Press the -> button.

Indicated on display:

Rapid data transfer HELP
Select function XX

- Check display value 4 in measured value block 001. The display must show 0000 when the "open" button is actuated on the remote control key.

- Check the function as follows:

- Lock the vehicle.

- Unlock the vehicle using the remote control key.

- The drivers seat adjustment must not change when the drivers door is opened.

Matching New Remote Control Keys

To ensure that the stored positions for the seats and exterior mirrors (see Owner's Manual) will be recalled automatically via the remote control function of the keys each key must be assigned to a separate memory button.

Each of the 4 memory buttons can be assigned to one remote control key.


- Use the memory button to move the seat to the position to be recalled when the remote control key is operated.

- Press and hold the memory button, and press the "UNLOCK" button on the remote control key within 10 seconds.

- Wait for approximately 2 seconds, then release the memory button.

- To test the memory function, press a different memory button to move the seat to a different position.

- Lock the vehicle.

- Unlock the vehicle using the remote control key.

When the drivers door is opened, the seat should move to the pre-programmed position.