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Single Wire Seals, Assembly

Single Wire Seals, Assembly


Single wire seals prevent the penetration of water and dirt into the contact housing. They are installed e.g. in the engine compartment and must be reinstalled after a repair.

Single wire seal is crimped on at the factory together with contact on the wire, this is not the case for repair wires. The single wire seal must be slid onto the wire before crimping the repair wire.

Single wire seals must always fit with the repair wire cross-section. Outer circumference of single wire seal is aligned according to chamber circumference of the contact housing. Perform assembly using only the assembly tool with correct fit.

- Put single wire seal - A - on to free end of repair wire.

When doing this, the single wire seal small diameter must point toward the contact housing.

- Slide the single wire seal - A - onto the repair wire up to the contact housing and then into the housing as far as the stop using the appropriate assembly tool - B -.