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Battery, Charging With Midtronics Diagnostic Conductance Charging Station INC-940

Battery, Charging with Midtronics Diagnostic Conductance Charging Station INC-940

The Midtronics Diagnostic Conductance Charging Station (INC-940) (also known as "inCHARGE 940" ) integrates battery conductance and load testing with charging.

Battery charger Midtronics Diagnostic Conductance Charging Station (INC-940) charges without current and voltage peaks. Batteries can therefore be charged when installed. When doing this, heed all safety precautions.

When performing electrical troubleshooting or otherwise working on the electrical system with consumers temporarily switched on, and for working with any of the VAS 505X class testers in operating mode "Guided Fault Finding", the battery must be charged during these procedures with a battery maintainer in battery support mode to prevent damage to the battery => [ Battery, Support Mode with Midtronics Battery Maintainer PSC-550 or Midtronics Battery Maintainer CXC-2115 ].

Risk of injury from battery acid.

Prior to handling or servicing batteries, read, understand and observe the Warnings and Safety Measures for lead-acid batteries for lead-acid batteries => [ Safety Precautions ] Battery!

Wear protective eyewear and clothing => [ Protect against injury by using protective
eyewear and clothing. ] Battery.

On non-maintenance-free batteries, the sealing plugs must be installed tightly.

Provide sufficient ventilation.

If the magic eye has no color or is light yellow, the battery may not be tested or charged. Jump starting must not be used! There is a risk of explosion during testing, charging or jump starting. The battery must be replaced.

DO NOT battery test batteries which are gassing. Otherwise there is a risk of explosion.

Rapid-charging batteries => [ Battery, Quick Charging ].

Dispose of electrolyte (sulfuric acid/water mixture) properly! Waste electrolyte must only be disposed of in appropriate waste disposal sites. Refer to local regulations pertaining to electrolyte disposal.

The following notes and procedures must be followed to ensure correct charging.

Risk of damaging AGM batteries.

Specific charging procedures are required for AGM batteries.

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

Midtronics Diagnostic Conductance Charging Station ( INC-940) (VAS tester illustrated here for reference only)


Battery temperature must be at least +10 °C.


Switch off all electrical consumers.

Switch ignition off and remove ignition key.

Refer to Midtronics Diagnostic Conductance Charging Station (INC-940) Instruction Manual.

- Perform any model-specific preparations necessary to gain access to battery terminals or battery jump-start terminals.

- Connect tester cable clamps to battery terminals or battery jump-start terminals=> INC-940 Instruction Manual. Tester leads must be securely fastened and make proper contact with battery posts or jumper terminals.

- Select charge mode "Automatic" or "Manual"=> INC-940 Instruction Manual

- Select test mode "IN-VEHICLE" or "OUT-OF-VEHICLE " as appropriate=> INC-940 Instruction Manual.

- Select battery type (AGM or conventional) => INC-940 Instruction Manual

- Set tester to "Warranty Test"=> INC-940 Instruction Manual.

- Select battery DIN rating value as appropriate => INC-940 Instruction Manual.

Use the "Generate Test Code" function of INC-940 (available in "Automatic" mode only) in event test results are required for warranty claims.

- When the battery is completely charged => MCR340A Instruction Manual

- Disconnect battery charger clamps.