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Rear Final Drive 0AR

Measure radial play at flange/driveshaft and mark

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

^ Dial gauge holder VW 387
^ Dial gauge
^ Bolt M10x30

^ Radial run-out must always be measured if the flange/driveshaft at rear final drive was removed. For this, make new color marking and remove old color marking.

If a new driveshaft is installed and the color marking on the drive flange of the rear final drive is no longer visible, location of largest radial run-out (corresponding to greatest distance from turning axis) must be determined and marked with a color marking.

This color marking - arrow A - is set opposite the color marking on the driveshaft - arrow B -.

Radial run-out can be measured with rear final drive installed.
- Remove driveshaft from rear final drive.

- Secure measuring tools with bolt - A - (M10x30) to rear final drive.
- Set dial indicator onto ground diameter in inside of driveshaft flange - arrow - and set to "0" with 1 mm preload.
- Rotate both rear wheels simultaneously in one direction and thereby turn flange through one complete rotation.
- Mark largest radial run-out on outer edge of flange with colored marking (equivalent to largest distance from turning axis).
- Then remove previous marking from flange.
- Install driveshaft.