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Telephone Transceiver Connectors

Telephone Transceiver Connectors


A Bluetooth(R) Antenna ( R152) connection (yellow)
B Black 54-pin multi-pin harness connector

Unlisted connector terminals are not assigned.

B - Black 54-pin harness connector

1 Terminal 30
2 Terminal 31
8 NF (+) to the Radio (R)/Operating Electronics, Navigation Control Module ( J402)
9 NF (-) to the Radio (R)/Operating Electronics, Navigation Control Module ( J402)
10 Terminal 31 shield (not used)
11 Microphone input (+) from the Telephone Microphone (R38)/Operating Electronics, Navigation Control Module (J402)
12 Microphone input (-) from the Telephone Microphone (R38)/Operating Electronics, Navigation Control Module (J402)
15 K diagnostic
16 NF mute to Radio (R)/Operating Electronics, Navigation Control Module ( J402)
17 CAN-Bus High (Infotainment)
18 CAN-Bus Low (Infotainment)
37 Terminal 30 to Telephone Base (R126)
39 Terminal 31 to Telephone Base (R126)
41 Terminal 30 to Telephone Base (R126)
42 Microphone output (+) to Telephone Base (R126)
43 Microphone output (-) to Telephone Baseplate (R126)
44 Terminal 31 (ground shielding) Telephone Baseplate (R126)
45 NF input (+) from Telephone Baseplate (R126)
46 NF input (-) from Telephone Baseplate (R126)
47 SNDREQ signal from Telephone Baseplate (R126)
49 Ser-Tx (+) to Telephone Baseplate (R126)
50 Ser-Tx (-) to Telephone Baseplate (R126)
51 Ser-Rx (+) from Telephone Baseplate (R126)
52 Ser-Rx (-) from Telephone Baseplate (R126)