Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Seat Belt Webbing, Checking

Seat Belts, Inspecting

After every accident the seat belt system must be inspected systematically! If damage is determined when inspecting the check points, customer must be informed regarding necessity of changing belts.

Check points:

Belt Webbing, Checking

Retractor, Checking Locking Function

Belt Latch, Inspecting Visually

Belt Latch, Checking Function

Belt Guide Rings and Locking Tongue, Checking

Securing Components and Anchorage Points, Checking

If customer refuses to have a damaged seat belt replaced, appropriate note should be made in service book.

Seat Belt Webbing, Checking

- Pull belt completely out of retractor or lap belt adjustment tongue.

- Inspect belt webbing for contamination and, if necessary, wash with mild soap solution => also refer to Operating Manual.

If one of the types of damage (1 and 2) shown in the following is detected on a vehicle which has been in an accident - seatbelt must be replaced completely with safety belt latch.

If damage as illustrated under points 1, 2 or 3 is determined on vehicle which has not been involved in an accident, it is sufficient to replace damaged belt only.

1 - Belt webbing cut, torn or chafed.

2 - Webbing loops on belt edge torn.

3 - Burn marks.