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Airbag Adapter, Connecting

Airbag Adapter, Connecting

Airbag adapter (VAS 6036)

Before disconnecting ignition and ground wiring, technician must electrostatically discharge him/herself (touch door striker plate or pin briefly).

The Airbag Adapter (VAS 6036) must stay connected to seat until seat is installed again.

1 - Airbag Connector (Orange)

Connect airbag connector (yellow) - 1 - to airbag adapter connector - 2 -.

If present: Connect connector for voltage supply (red) of airbag adapter - 3 - to counterpart (red) - 4 - on seat connector.

2 - Airbag Adapter Connector (Yellow)

3 - Current Supply Connector, Airbag Adapter (Red)

4 - Seat Connector Voltage Supply Connector (Red)

Side Airbag Connector, Disconnecting

- Press catch - 3 - on connector for side airbag - 2 - from counterpart - 1 - and remove it.

Follow the safety precautions after connecting the battery.

If the Airbag Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) ( K75) shows a malfunction after assembly, DTC memory must be checked with Vehicle Diagnostic, Testing and Information System ( VAS 5051 A), cleared and then rechecked.