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Steering Column Electronics Systems Control Module

Steering Column Switch Module

General Information

The steering column switches, spiral spring and Steering Angle Sensor (G85) are integrated into a single assembly (module) along with the Steering Column Electronic Systems Control Module (J527).

Before troubleshooting or servicing, technicians must be familiar with the functions and operation specifics of the steering column electronics. Always read the owner's manual and review applicable system functions.

Additional information:

=> Owner's Manual

=> Self Study Program - Course Number 991103 " 2002 Audi A4 Technical Features"

=> Self Study Program - Course Number 991503 " The 2005 Audi A4"

=> Wiring Diagrams & Component Locations

Steering Column Electronics Systems Control Module


Should the Steering Column Electronic Systems Control Module (J527) require replacement, follow applicable component " Replacement" procedure using VAS 5051/5051 in operating mode " Guided Fault Finding".

- Remove steering column switch module => [ Steering Column Switch Module ].

Ensure steering is in straight ahead and centered prior to removing spiral spring.

Position of spiral spring must not be changed once removed.

- Carefully release clip fasteners - arrows - and remove spiral spring - 1 - from steering column switch module.

- Remove Steering Angle Sensor (G85) - 1 - from Steering Column Electronic Systems Control Module (J527)in direction of - arrow -.

- Remove screws - arrows -.

- Remove Steering Column Electronics Systems Control Module (J527) - 1 - from steering column switch module.


Install in reverse order of removal, noting the following:

- Ensure all fasteners and electrical connectors are properly connected and locked into place.

- Install steering column switch module.

Tightening Specifications