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Maintenance-Free Battery With Visual Indicator

Maintenance-Free Batteries

Only maintenance-free batteries conforming to standards "TL82506 " (as of December 1997) and "VW75073" (as of August 2001) may be installed.

Risk of injury due to contact with battery acid!

Prior to handling or servicing batteries, read, understand and observe the Warnings and Safety Measures => [ There is a risk of injury from the battery
acid. ] Battery.

Risk of explosion due to the explosive gas that forms during battery charging.

Observe warning notes and safety precautions => [ Risk of explosion due to the explosive gas
that forms during battery charging. ] Battery.

Maintenance-Free Battery with Visual Indicator

Lead acid batteries with non-removable battery cell sealing caps, with charge indicator "Magic Eye" and filled with fluid electrolyte (wet battery) are considered maintenance-free. Sealing caps are not removable for topping off with distilled water.

If batteries with a "magic eye" are equipped with sealing plugs for production reasons only, the plugs are covered with plastic sheeting.

The covering must not be removed and distilled water must not be added.

Only perform a visual inspection.

The "magic eye" - arrow - gives information about the electrolyte level and charge condition of the battery by means of a color display. Possible color displays => [ Maintenance-Free Battery with Visual Indicator ].

Risk of explosion on discharged battery with magic eye.

If the magic eye has no color or is light yellow, the battery may not be tested or charged. Jump starting must not be used! There is a risk of explosion during testing, charging or jump starting. The battery must be replaced.