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Battery Charge Indicator


The battery is one of the most important electrical components in the vehicle. Its proper functioning is a major factor in ensuring customer satisfaction. To guarantee a long service life, the battery must be checked, serviced and maintained as described in this service information.

In addition to its function of starting the vehicle, the battery performs other tasks as a buffer and a source of electrical energy for the vehicle's entire electrical system.

Battery Charge Indicator

Distinguishing Features

These batteries have a charge indicator.

This charge indicator - arrow - provides information on the electrolyte level and charge of the battery to be tested.

Three different color indications are possible:

- Green -> Battery is adequately charged.

- Black -> Battery is not charged, or inadequately charged.

- Colorless or yellow -> critical electrolyte level has been reached, topping off with distilled water essential.

Please observe that if the battery is older than 5 years and the color of the charge indicator is colorless, the battery is to be replaced with a new one.

Test Sequence

Air bubbles may form under the charge indicator, particularly if a battery has been recharged, i.e. even if the battery has been charged while driving. These air bubbles falsify the color indicator of the charge indicator.

If batteries are installed with caps for production reasons, these are covered with plastic sheeting.

- Before performing a visual check, lightly and carefully tap onto the charge indicator using a screwdriver handle.

This will cause the air bubbles to disappear

- Read color indication of "charge indicator".