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Battery, Testing With Midtronics Battery/Starting/Charging System Analyzer MCR340A

Battery, Testing With Midtronics Battery/Starting/Charging System Analyzer MCR340A

Risk of injury from battery acid.
- Prior to handling or servicing batteries, read, understand and observe the Warnings and Safety Measures for lead-acid batteries for lead-acid batteries.
- Wear protective eye wear and clothing.
- If the magic eye has no color or is light yellow, the battery may not be tested or charged. Jump starting must not be used: There is a risk of explosion during testing, charging or jump starting. The battery must be replaced.
- DO NOT battery test batteries which are gassing. Otherwise there is a risk of explosion.
- Dispose of electrolyte (sulfuric acid/water mixture) properly: Waste electrolyte must only be disposed of in appropriate waste disposal sites. Refer to local regulations pertaining to electrolyte disposal.
- The following notes and procedures must be followed to ensure correct measurements.

Special tools, testers and auxiliary items required

- Midtronics Battery/Starting/Charging System Analyzer MCR340A (VAS tester illustrated here for reference only)


- Switch off all electrical consumers.
- Switch ignition off and remove ignition key.
- Refer to Midtronics Battery/Starting/Charging System Analyzer MCR340A Instruction Manual.

- On battery with charge indicator "Magic Eye", check color display Maintenance-Free Battery With Charge Indicator "Magic Eye", Checking Color Display.
- Check no-load voltage.
- Connect tester cable clamps to battery terminal MCR340A Instruction Manual. Tester leads must be securely fastened and make proper contact with battery posts.
- Select test mode "IN-VEHICLE" or "OUT-OF-VEHICLE" as appropriate MCR340A Instruction Manual.
- Select battery type (AGM or conventional) MCR340A Instruction Manual
- Set tester to "Warranty Test" MCR340A Instruction Manual.
- Perform battery test by setting load current on tester according to battery (DIN) capacity MCR340A Instruction Manual.

NOTE: Use print function of MCR340A in event test results are required for warranty claims.

Battery test results:

Battery Tester Display / Printout Required action
Good Battery None
Good - Recharge Charge battery where necessary
Use in CHARGE Charge battery
Replace Battery Replace battery.
Bad Cell - Replace Replace battery.

NOTE: If battery is replaced, follow disposal regulations.