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Selector Lever Sensor System Control Module with Tiptronic Switch

Selector Lever Sensor System Control Module with Tiptronic Switch

The selector lever sensor system control module (J587) with Tiptronic switch (F189) are combined in one component.

The Tiptronic switch (F189) magnets are secured to the cover.


- Remove the selector lever handle. Refer to => [ Selector Lever Handle ] Selector Lever Handle.

- Remove the front and rear center consoles.

- Disconnect the electrical connector - 1 -.

- Release the four retaining tabs - arrows - and remove the selector lever sensor system control module (J587) with Tiptronic switch (F189) upward.


Install in the reverse order, paying attention to the following:

- Engage the selector lever sensor system control module (J587) with Tiptronic switch (F189) with the four retaining tabs - arrows -.

- Secure the selector lever Transmission Range (TR) position display (Y26) electrical wiring - arrows -.

- Install the front and rear center consoles.

- Install the selector lever handle. Refer to => [ Selector Lever Handle ] Selector Lever Handle.