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Front Side Airbag Crash Sensors Safety Precautions

Front Side Airbag Crash Sensors Safety Precautions

The side airbag crash sensors react to changes in pressure, so they must be handled carefully. Keep in mind the following points:

Always use the correct installation position and only install in the location intended in the doors.

Protect crash sensors from being impacted or struck. Crash sensors that have fallen to the ground must not be used again. Remove the crash sensor when working on the door.

The crash sensor is calibrated to the volume of air inside the door. If the door is deformed resulting in a reduced air space inside the door, the function of the crash sensor will be affected.

Keep all contaminants away from crash sensor: do not use compressed air near the crash sensor. Protect the crash sensor from filings or shavings, for example, when installing door speakers later. Do not use cavity sealant or spray oil in the crash sensor area.

Protections again heat/cold: Avoid using heat, for example by painting or other body work. Do not expose the crash sensors to temperatures below -40 °C, for example in non-climatized airplane cargo holds.

Protect crash sensor from moisture when storing and installing.

The door must seal correctly to ensure the crash sensor functions correctly. Note the following points:

All components (for example, cover, speaker, door trim) must be installed correctly.

The door trim clips seal the system closed. Replace the clips if necessary.