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Quick Test

Quick Test:


The quick test makes it possible to check all control units with self-diagnosis capabilities installed in the vehicle for stored defect codes.

The ignition must be switched on before starting the quick test (ignition switch in position 2!).

Quick Test In the BMW Service Tester:

The quick test is started from the overview of control units. "Quick test active" is displayed on the last line. The relevant line flashing shows the operator how far the quick test has progressed.

When the BMW DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM detects a control unit, the corresponding line of the control unit overview is marked with a star.

When a defect code is stored in the defect code memory of a control unit, the line is displayed inversely (white highlighted) and marked with an "F".

On conclusion of the quick test, "quick test completed" is displayed on the last line.

It is possible to terminate a currently running quick test at any time by pressing any key.

Quick Test in MoDiC:

Start with the "Continue to next lower level" function in the overview of control units.

On conclusion of the quick test, an overview of control units which have been detected by the MoDiC diagnostic program appears on the screen. If a defect code is stored in a control unit, the corresponding line is highlighted in black.