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Customer Safety Information

The sole purpose of the the Antilock Brake System (ABS) is to assist the driver when braking in an emergency. It increases active safety and helps avoid accidents and collisions.

Although ABS provides benefits in an emergency in terms of stability, steerability and braking efficiency, it is not capable of defying the normal physical laws of motion. It remains the responsibility of the driver to suit his driving style and speed to road and climatic conditions, and the level of traffic encountered.

This means that if the driver enters a corner at a speed beyond the vehicle's cornering limit, or does not maintain the minimum safety margin when driving close behind the vehicle in front, even the ABS will be unable to avoid the risk of an accident.

When towing a trailer, make every effort to avoid entering the brake regulating zone, since the trailer's wheels may lock and render it unstable, so that the complete car and trailer outfit becomes difficult to control.

The ABS cannot prevent the rear end of a vehicle from breaking away during emergency avoiding action if the cornering speed limit is exceeded.