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Valve Cover: Service and Repair

If necessary, remove air manifold box.
Place cable channel to one side.

Unscrew cover for ignition coils.
Remove ignition coils.

Remove cover from fuel injection nozzles.
Unclip connection for cylinder head vent.

Unfasten cylinder head cover.

NOTE: The cylinder head cover is separated from the cylinder head by rubber mounts and seals to prevent oscillation
1 Cap nut
2 Washer
3 Rubber

Clean gasket residue from sealing surfaces.
Coat contact surfaces of joint with Drei Bond 1209 (refer to BMW Parts Service).

Clean gasket residue from sealing surfaces.
Apply a thin, uniform bead of Drei Bond 1209 sealing agent (refer to BMW Parts Service) to transition area of half-moon sections.

Check gaskets and replace if necessary.
Place seals on cylinder head.

Check for correct seating of seal on back of cylinder head when installing the cylinder head cover.
Install cover bolts and align cylinder head cover.
Hand-tighten all cover bolts without preload. Tighten cap screws crosswise from inside to outside.