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D. Control Module EPROM Replacement Procedure


Preparatory Instructions:
The installation of the updated EPROM into the engine control module is a simple procedure.

However, before beginning the EPROM exchange, the following conditions must be provided and the designated tools must be used.


The work area where the EPROM is exchanged must be free of excessive dust and aggressive chemicals or vapors. A small uncarpeted office within the dealership is recommended. Since low atmospheric humidity promotes static electricity, an evaporating bowl of water can be used to raise the humidity level of the work area.


Screwdrivers (blade type) are only used to open and close the engine control module. The EPROM is exchanged using an IC extractor/inserter set. Tool sets can be obtained locally (Radio Shack, Archer # 276-1581).


The engine control module can be damaged and rendered unusable by static electrical discharge. For this reason the 3M static protection kit (or equivalent) must be used and properly grounded during the entire EPROM exchange procedure.


Replacement EPROMs must be stored in the original shipment containers. The label in the center of the EPROM must never be removed.

CAUTION - Whenever connecting or disconnecting any control module the IGNITION MUST BE SWITCHED OFF.

1. Lay the control module on a static mat and carefully bend up the 6 tabs. Remove the plastic retaining pin using needle nose pliers.

2. Remove the cover from the control module.

3. Remove the protective cap on the EPROM by inserting a small screwdriver into one of the slots on the side of the cap.

4. Remove EPROM by using extractor tool and carefully pulling out of its socket.

5. Reinstall new EPROM, making certain that:

^ All pins are straight.
^ The notch in the EPROM and the notch in the socket are aligned.
^ All pins have been inserted into the socket correctly and completely.

6. Reassemble control unit by:

^ Reinstalling EPROM cap.
^ Carefully reinstall cover, making certain that none of the tabs on the cover come in contact with any of the pins on the PC board.
^ Carefully bend the tabs down.