Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

A. Explanation of the Determination Process

The determination process is used to:

^ Identify the proper part number of the replacement EPROM.

^ Store identification data for the replacement DME EPROM in the

MoDiC's memory, to correctly program the replacement EPROM.

There are two ways to perform this process, automatic and manual determination. The automatic determination is the preferred method as it is faster and mistakes made during data entry into the MoDiC are avoided.

1) Automatic determination (preferred)

During the automatic determination process the MoDiC compares the part numbers stored in the EPROM of the currently installed DME control module with a list of possible replacement part numbers stored in the MoDiC's memory. The comparison is done to:

^ Determine if the MoDiC can "recommend" a replacement part number from the list of part numbers stored in its memory.

The message "No substitute found" will be displayed if:

^ The MoDiC does not recognize the identification data of the currently installed DME control module.

^ The MoDiC cannot find the proper replacement part number in its memory.

At this point it is necessary for you to determine what part number to install into this vehicle by performing a manual determination.

2) Manual determination

A manual determination must be performed if the MoDiC cannot access the data of the installed EPROM or if the MoDiC cannot find a proper replacement EPROM to recommend for installation.

During a manual determination you will need to:

^ Enter the part number for a basic (programmable) control module.

^ Enter the VIN number of the vehicle.

^ Enter the part number of a programmed control module.

The required part numbers are usually located on the cover of the installed control module if it has not been replaced (see section C). Once the correct numbers are entered, the MoDiC searches its memory for the proper replacement part number and will display either that part number or the message "no substitute found."

If the message "no substitute found" is displayed by the MoDiC:

^ A part number supersession not "known" to the MoDIC software has occurred.

^ The currently installed control module is incorrect for that vehicle.

Please check the troubleshooting and programming hints (section B & C) of this attachment before contacting the Technical Hotline for further instructions.

If the MoDiC displays any of the following messages after entering a part number:

^ "No programming data available for this SG version. Current data medium?"

^ "Incorrect part number for programmed control unit?"

There has been a mistake made during data entry and you will need to enter the proper number as it appears on a valid BMW label (see section C)

3) Determination procedure considerations

Once the determination of the proper replacement EPROM part number is made by the MoDiC, the message "Part number scope of EPROM delivery:_ _ _ _ _ _ _"is displayed on the MoDiC. At this point you should obtain the replacement EPROM using the part number indicated by the MoDiC.

You will overwrite the identification data stored in the MoDiC's memory if any additional work is performed prior to programming the replacement EPROM. Any work like reading out fault data or programming/coding another vehicle with this MoDiC will clear the replacement data obtained. Once the data is cleared, programming cannot be performed and you will need to repeat the determination process.

If the replacement part does not match the part number displayed and "expected" by the MoDiC, programming will not occur. You need to obtain the proper replacement part.

At no time during the determination process should you turn off the ignition disconnected control module or MoDiC.

After programming is complete, print out the new labels and affix one label on top of the old DME label; attach the other to the repair order.

The orange Service Action label (P/N 01 00 1 469 136) should be used as a seal, placed over the edge of the control module cover and bottom plate.