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The BMW Diagnostic System:

BMW Service Tester:


BMW Service Tester and BMW MoDiC

Diagnosis in the Vehicle:

A large number of control units with self-diagnosis capabilities are used in BMW automobiles. In addition to the control of the relevant system, these control units are capable of making available or receiving data for diagnostic procedures. The data can be read out or entered by means of the BMW DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM.

Diagnostic Links RxD and TxD:

The data exchange between the control unit and the BMW DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM takes place via two diagnostic links (RxD and TxD). The diagnostic links are combined in the diagnostic socket (Pin 15 RxD, Pin 20 TxD) where they can be connected to the BMW SERVICE TESTER or the BMW MoDiC.

To avoid faults occurring during vehicle operation, the RxD link is connected to battery voltage and the TxD link to ground when the diagnostic socket is closed.

Diagnostic Programs:

The diagnostic programs are supplied on disks.

After the tester disks have been loaded, the general overview of control units appears on the display screen or on the MoDiC display. The diagnostic procedure is initiated by selecting the relevant control unit and the corresponding diagnostic program is assigned from the tester disk.