Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Control Wheels

Air flow control wheel
With the air flow control wheel, the FHK system is switched on and set into operation. The coolbox function is activated by turning the air flow control wheel from the zero setting to the next notch setting (before the blower MIN setting). In this position, the air conditioning system is switched on, all flaps are moved to the "CLOSED" position and the blower runs at approximately 2 A. By turning the air flow control wheel out of this position, the air flow rate can then be set and the flaps are adjusted corresponding to the flap program.

Temperature control wheels
With the air flow control wheel switched on, the temperature control wheels influence the setting of the mixing flaps for ventilation as well as the footwell flaps when the footwell switch is switched on. In addition, the mixing control changes the flap program of the mixing flaps for ventilation.