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Key With Transponder


Four keys are initially supplied with each vehicle. Each key contains a wireless electronic chip (transponder chip).
- Vehicles with the remote entry feature (FBZV or FZV) have two remote transmitter keys with the transponder incorporated into them.
- The valet and wallet keys contain a plastic key fob cover with the transponder chip incorporated in it.
- The standard keys also have the plastic cover with integrated transponder.
- The keys use the four track mechanical key code as on previous keys.

The function of the transponder is to receive and transmit data to and from the EWS II control module. The transponder chip contains a wireless read/write EEPROM as well as a small capacitor and coil for its power supply.

The EEPROM of the transponder is capable of:
- Storing codes (key identification code, password and changing code).
- Receiving and responding to coded messages from the EWS II control module
- Storing service data (operational at a later date).

Each Transponder chip contains the following characteristics:
- Multiple write/erase cycles.
- operating temperature range of -40 ° to +80 °C.
- Shock resistant from a height of 10 meters.

Additional keys can be ordered and programmed to operate with the vehicle's EWS II system.