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Convertible Top: Adjustments


NOTE: Adjustment for EM convertible top and mechanical convertible top is identical except for adjustment of two drive rods on each unit.

- Remove complete convertible top.

- Open convertible top compartment cover.
- Position rail (1) (e.g. square-section pipe) on side wall (from left to right).
- Because the rail (1) is positioned in the middle of the convertible top compartment, it is necessary to fit a spacer (2) (e.g. special tool 00 9 312) in each case on left/right between side wall and rail (1).
- Compress spacer (2) on left/right with rail (1).
- Rail (1) with spacer (2) must lie on top edge of side wall on left/right; if necessary, pull back rubber partly.

CAUTION! Do not damage paintwork.

- Using special tool 00 2 550 (special depth gauge), measure distance from side wall (lower edge of spacer 2) to contact face of convertible top mounting block at both threaded bolts.
- Adjust gap (A) (front threaded bolt) and (B) (rear threaded bolt) with shims (3) (available in 1 mm thickness).

Distance (A) = approx. 203 mm
Distance (B) = approx. 175 mm

Calculation example:

NOTE: Using a caliper gauge, measure height of auxiliary tool (1) and (2) on left/right in compressed state.

Height of auxiliary tools (1) and (2):
Designation: Distance:
Rail (1) (e.g. square- E.g. 25 mm
section pipe)

+ Spacer (2) (special + 40 mm
tool 00 9 312)

= Height of = E.g. 65 mm
auxiliary tools (1)
and (2)

Distance (B) at rear threaded pin:
Designation: Distance:
Depth (total) to rear 242 mm
threaded pin (B)

- Height of auxiliary - 65 mm
tools (1) and (2)

= Distance (B) = 177 mm

- Distance (B), specified - 175 mm

= Difference = 2 mm

=> Number of washers = 2 x (1 mm each)

- Center convertible top between side walls.

- Secure convertible top with nuts and bolts. Do not tighten down.
- Close convertible top compartment cover and convertible top.
- Compensate gap (C) at retaining screw (1) on left/right with washers (2) (available in thicknesses of 1 mm).
- Tighten down convertible top.

- Check adjustment of convertible top lock on windshield and adjust if necessary.